Posted in Life Lessons

Dear Future: Write a Letter Now, Read it Later

We all love to write.

Personally, I love to write as well.

I keep a journal of all my stories and I tried to keep up with a daily diary of my everyday emotions. Writing makes it easier for me.

Whenever I write, I don’t even need to think. Emotions just flow through and most especially if I love the topic that I’m writing for, the words keep going. There’s no stopping me when I’m in my writer mood.

With the era of Facebook and texting, the essence of letter writing is now disappearing. People prefer to take it the easier way, through a simple chat message. Gone are they days when people pour their soul in one letter which will probably change someone’s life. I did that too – write a letter to my crush, write a short story fiddled by my imagination, write a quote.

Writing will always be my alternate hobby. I’d love to write as well for my future self. As a form of checking as to how was I before and a few years from now.

But the question now is – how do you write to your future self and expect to still be able to find it? You move houses, throw away stuff and lose things – finding that letter to your future self can be hard.

Take it from Toni Gonzaga’s character who made a letter to herself and to Marco, her TOTGA in the movie, ‘Starting Over Again”. When I watched that movie, I actually wanted to try it myself but was scared of what will happen.

Image is courtesy of Star Cinema
Image is courtesy of Star Cinema

But technology made it possible! You can now write a letter to yourself or to any one – using this new website I discovered!

They call it LLOOPP!! They’re a time capsule company where the old idea of sending messages is now accessible. You can now get to send and receive messages across time. Time is no longer the problem. It’s now time for us to write – write that letter to yourself or to that special someone using this platform. Their website is


You know the feeling when I was writing my entry? All my dreams in life suddenly came rushing back. All the setbacks I had, the tears I shed, the smiles and the laughter – they all came back. I had to put them into words with my own entry.

The writing entry comes easy. You write, key in your details and the website will keep that letter for you and have it sent on your preferred date.


For only 2 USD, you get to write a time capsule entry and have it sent right in your email address or to the person who you wanted to read that letter.


You can can also opt to write that letter and have it sent to your doorstep in a lovely bottle.



I tried to write using that platform and sent it to myself on Sept 21, 2029. That’s exactly 10 years from now. My letter is my voice to my self – as I go through life for the 10 years.

I won’t share to you my whole entry but here’s a short excerpt:

Juggling both life, love and work can be a lot of hard work but I know you – you’re a fighter, you can do it. You’ll make it.

Well by this time, I hope your dreams come true. Your dream life, your dream love, your bucket list – I hope they’re all going to the right path.

Take the chance guys!

I hope you take 20 minutes of your time to write. Write that letter. For yourself, for that loved one, for your future.

Try LLOOPP now!


Writer. Dreamer. Traveler. Wanderlust. Foodie.

3 thoughts on “Dear Future: Write a Letter Now, Read it Later

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